Today I face a very strange issue while transferring a website from one server to another. The error was 'No input file specified'. After hours of debugging I found the following helpful and fix the issue
- Remove any #’s if any from RewriteEngine On and RewriteBase from the htaccess file.
- Search for Options +FollowSymLinks and add the below right after it.
Options -MultiViews
- Check if the site is normal otherwise follow next step
- Look for any php.ini file and rename it to php5.ini
- If you could not find any php.ini file make a new file using notepad and save it as php5.ini and add following
cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
memory_limit = 50M
post_max_size = 10M
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 10M
upload_tmp_dir = /home/content/55/6067155/html/tmp.